Anaconda Choke Tips

This video is a brilliant break down of the finer points of the anaconda choke. Two bits really jumped out at me:

  1. Wrapping the opponent’s leg with yours to compress the opponent for the  finish (I find guys often need extra squeeze with this choke).
  2. The second variation (which is almost like a toss!) as a way to deal with the opponent posting their leg – very cool!

Check it out…

Marcelo Garcia on dealing with a bigger, stronger opponent

This video touches on a really interesting point: namely how Marcelo Garcia has chosen to focus on chokes which do NOT utilise the opponent’s arm – i.e. RNC, north-south, and the guillotine.

As a smaller, weaker grappler I take note. Recent success with the north-south choke has also led me to believe that this is a move that I should really focus on turning into my most effective submission.